It's minimalist Asteroids. You're a 360-degree rotating gun turret and popping white balls that swirl around you. The twist is each level has different rules on how you catch the balls. The title of the level reveals what you need to do (eg. Aim and Shoot; Freeze Tag, Pool). Laptoppers, you'll need your mouse for this one.
Defend your village from invading marauders in this quaintly animated game. Fortify your village with archers, wizards, knights and bombs and then wait for the hordes of goblins, orcs, ogres and bandits to come to town. With kills, you earn more points that can be used for reinforcements and more fortifications. It's very simple to play and quite satisfying to imagine the invading minions are the suits from accounting.
Perhaps the greatest mini-golf game on the internet. It's stellar digital artwork alone makes it worth checking out. The animation between holes is incredibly cool, as the landscape changes with each round. You pull back on your mouse or trackpad to pick your angle and power of your swing. It's not as easy as it looks, but it sure is as fun.
Tired of the same old Pac-Man layout? This incredible version — built for Pac-Man's 30th anniversary — contains more than 150,000 mazes for the little yellow guy to eat his way through. And each board is connected to the other. You don't have to finish a maze to duck out the side or top to a new one. Best of all, you can create your own maze and submit it. Eat on!
It's not complicated at all — and that's the best thing about this shooter. Well, very limited shooter. You get 10 bullets (yeah, they really worked on the name of this game, huh?) and need to take out as many ships as you can with just those 10. It might sound daunting until you realize that when your bullet hits a ship, that ship creates shrapnel chain reaction that takes out other ships, and so on. So, you can easily take out 25 ships with just one bullet. The best part is since you aren't constantly firing, the boss will never know you are playing.
This 8-bit style game has your man digging through dirt, collecting diamonds all while trying to not be crushed like a bug by large falling boulders. It's an old-school arcade game come to your desktop. Is your Atari 2600 Enjoy!
You've played Pong, right? Well, even if you haven't it simple AF. It's Pong in 3-D, played against Bob the Bear. The visuals are smoothly rendered, the music is jaunty, and the whole experience is kinda calming (perfect to talk you down from that budget meeting). If you think Bob's a doof, then play against friends online (the game supports webcams).
Just like the classic Commodore 64 game, you are a tumbling secret agent, out to foil evil genius Professor Elvin Atombender. You must race against the clock, combing through his fortress, searching for clues to decrypt his password to the control room where you can thwart his dastardly plans to tamper with national security computers and unleash Armageddon. Oh, you need to watch out for those deadly robots. It's freakin' awesome!
This always-changing Mario Bros. offering comes from the brain of the guy who did Minecraft. With this game, Mario lovers get the retro thrills of the classic game, but you won't ever know what level is coming up next — everything has been randomized. For
your pleasure. The score doesn't matter (that's because with every level your score is wiped clean). So just jump and enjoy.
You are the lone survivor of a ruined world. There is nothing on this planet for you (or anyone else) now. You must seek out a new world. You have a ship, but not enough fuel to take you all the way. You will have to land on other planets you find along the way to re-energize yourself and your ship. But avoid space junk, black holes, comets and — oh yeah, landing isn't as easy as you think.
All that work piling up. Look at it all. Gotta get to it, right? Nahhhhhh.
Take a break. You've been at work for nearly 10 minutes now. Try these time
passers, gathered with help from the gang over at